Introduction to AI Generative Imagery
Element Panel

Webflow's Add Elements Panel gives you quick, visual access to the various elements you can add to your project, from layout elements like divs to...

Complete lesson

Webflow's Add Elements Panel gives you quick, visual access to the various elements you can add to your project, from layout elements like divs to complex prebuilt components likes sliders. In this video, we'll cover the structure of the Add Elements Panel, and how to add elements to your designs by:

  1. ‍Clicking
  2. ‍Dragging on to the canvas
  3. ‍Dragging into the Navigator

The Elements Panel gives us quick, visual access to the various elements we can add right to our project.

And the panel is divided into simple categories like Typography, which contains all our elements related to text. And Forms, which contains all the building blocks we need to create a form.

There are three ways to add elements from the Elements Panel to the page we’re on:

1. We can select an existing element on the page, and simply go to Add. And click on the element we want to add. Since we selected the heading there, the paragraph was simply added right underneath the heading. Want a button right under that? We can go to Add, and click the button. Same idea here. Let’s delete those for now.

Another thing to note: we saw that when our heading was selected, by clicking to add the Paragraph element, the paragraph was added right underneath. It was added right under the heading.

If you select a parent element, like a div block or a container, and you click to add a new element? That element will be placed inside the parent element right at the bottom.

So. Clicking an element from the Elements Panel. That's...the first way.

Number 2 — the second way to add elements from the Elements Panel, is by dragging and dropping right onto the Canvas.

And as we're dragging in this paragraph, the orange indicator tells us where we're placing it: which is right inside the container. And our new element — its position is indicated in blue. We can also see its position in the Navigator. So we can see exactly where we’re dropping that. We can always move this later. We can move it around. But that’s dragging and dropping onto the Canvas.

The third way is incredibly precise. And that’s using the Navigator. And since we have our full hierarchy — our visual outline here, with precision we can drag and drop right from the Elements Panel into the Navigator.

So. From the Elements Panel, we can click right on the element we want, or we can drag an element onto the Canvas, or we can drag an element right into the Navigator. That's how we use...the Elements Panel.

Class Guide 01
This is your class guide for this entire course.
Resource 1
Doloribus necessitatibus numquam rerum voluptatem. Blanditiis dolor inventore libero at qui repellat aut sed incidunt. Mo
Resource 2
Voluptas nobis magnam enim doloremque est et soluta nulla non. Laborum voluptatibus distinctio veritatis quod nisi
Resource 3
Occaecati ut voluptatem. Sunt quos eos assumenda velit quis. Facilis et in iusto. Nulla esse unde accusantium voluptas quis et e
Resource 4
Enim aut doloribus deserunt et exercitationem dolore
Resource 5
Quae maxime sint minus expedita optio qui qui aliquid numquam. Eum aliquam possimus ut nostru

Innovative futurist. Creative strategist. Serial entrepreneur. Kirk Perry is a visionary with a passion for equitable and diverse systems. His mission: revolutionize the tech and entertainment industry, creating engaging and culturally relevant human experiences. Kirk has leveraged his creativity and business acumen to found his own ventures, FutureSide for consulting and technology and entertainment company, CreativeSide. He continues to push the boundaries of technology and entertainment, shaping the future for generations to come.

Kirk Perry

Founder - Creative Strategist

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Intro to HTML & CSS

Intro to HTML & CSS

Web Structure

Web Structure

The Box Model

The Box Model

Element Hierarchy

Element Hierarchy

Element Basics

Element Basics

Element Panel

Element Panel


Lesson Checklist

Course Task 1
Course Task 2
Course Task 3