Introduction to AI Generative Imagery
The Box Model

The box model describes how layout works on the web.

Complete lesson

The box model describes how layout works on the web. Unlike other design environments (like Photoshop or Sketch) that allow you to position elements anywhere in a given document, the web places elements in boxes that you control the positioning of to indirectly create layouts. In this video, we’ll discuss:

  1. The box model
  2. How the box model facilitates responsive web design
  3. Grouping boxes
  4. Positioning boxes to create layouts

This is a basic web document. It's simple, and it's made of up a heading, some text, a few images, and some illegibly small buttons.

Each of these elements is treated as a box — you can imagine an invisible boundary on each of them. These boxes sit next to each other and stack on top of one another depending on the properties we give them.

It's helpful to think of web content not like a PowerPoint document, where content is simply positioned wherever — completely non-responsive and stuck in a fixed slide...but more like a Word document — where content flows naturally from the top-left of the page.

At first, this might seem kind of rigid. But it actually gives us tremendous flexibility as we create layouts for all kinds of screen sizes and devices.

Think again about PowerPoint. Looks great on a wide screen like this. But what if we try to scale it down to a phone? Not so great.

But a web document? Again, this content flows naturally.

The other great thing about the box model is that we can organize boxes inside of other boxes. Headings? That's a box. Paragraphs? That's a box? Images? That's a broccoli box, a Bach box, a Brach's box, a Barack box, and of course, who could forget: the box box.

And since we've put all these boxes in another box, that box can be used to organize and style the boxes inside!

Here's a practical example of a layout we might encounter on the web. Since each of the elements inside are boxes — we can move and push content around using padding to affect the space inside of a box, and margin to affect the space outside of a box (in between that box and the boxes around it).

The big takeaway here is that the web is responsive. We can add all sorts of content to our document and it naturally flows like content in a Word document. Each element on the web is its own box. They can stack. They can wrap. They sit next to each other. And we control the styling and the layout of each and every box on the page.

Class Guide 01
This is your class guide for this entire course.
Resource 1
Doloribus necessitatibus numquam rerum voluptatem. Blanditiis dolor inventore libero at qui repellat aut sed incidunt. Mo
Resource 2
Voluptas nobis magnam enim doloremque est et soluta nulla non. Laborum voluptatibus distinctio veritatis quod nisi
Resource 3
Occaecati ut voluptatem. Sunt quos eos assumenda velit quis. Facilis et in iusto. Nulla esse unde accusantium voluptas quis et e
Resource 4
Enim aut doloribus deserunt et exercitationem dolore
Resource 5
Quae maxime sint minus expedita optio qui qui aliquid numquam. Eum aliquam possimus ut nostru

Innovative futurist. Creative strategist. Serial entrepreneur. Kirk Perry is a visionary with a passion for equitable and diverse systems. His mission: revolutionize the tech and entertainment industry, creating engaging and culturally relevant human experiences. Kirk has leveraged his creativity and business acumen to found his own ventures, FutureSide for consulting and technology and entertainment company, CreativeSide. He continues to push the boundaries of technology and entertainment, shaping the future for generations to come.

Kirk Perry

Founder - Creative Strategist

Up next

Element Hierarchy
To succeed in web design, and with Webflow, it's vital that you understand how elements hierarchy affects styling and sizing.




Intro to HTML & CSS

Intro to HTML & CSS

Web Structure

Web Structure

The Box Model

The Box Model

Element Hierarchy

Element Hierarchy

Element Basics

Element Basics

Element Panel

Element Panel


Lesson Checklist

Course Task 1
Course Task 2
Course Task 3